scarlet-dragonchild's avatar


Azisa Noor
76 Deviations
I definitely missed the sunshine, street food, and the super-friendly Indonesian trees (Although they are getting chopped down right and left for more and more malls D: )
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Hi everyone! :)
How are things? I hope everyone is drawing/photographing/sculpting/chasing deadlines happily wherever you are. I'm settling in quite nicely after some months in my new home. The parks and lakes of Minneapolis are incredibly beautiful, the people mind-bogglingly nice, and I've been having a lot of fun making art and rolling on autumn leaves (and soon, on snow!)

Speaking of snow, I'll be pretty much staying put for the winter break, with snow and work piling all around the pillow fort I've constructed for myself in my dorm. To add some bright spots in the monotone, I thought I'll do some little commission work, if anyone is interested!

:bulletorange:   :bulletorange: So...winter holiday commissions! With Holiday-ish prices! :D :bulletorange:   :bulletorange:

I draw anything. Give me your hybrid creations, weird fantasies, and nonsensical daydreams! Obviously, things that are racist, sexist, or promotes hate/oppression towards any group of people are a no-no. But I trust everyone to not even ask for it.
It's going to be for private use only. Commercial use is another beast entirely, but we can also talk about that via message.

Character-centric illustrations [$30]
Portrait or bust. And by character I mean anything that's sentient. If you want a loving portrait of an Orc or a Mind Flayer, I'm totally game with that too. Can come with any background you want, from simple washes to a modest clutter of weird things. Since paper space is kind of limited, I can probably only fit one person inside these (unless the other person is a baby or a wee faerie)
Naming Day Trinkets by scarlet-dragonchild

Not-so-simple character-centric illustrations [$50]
Also comes with a simple background of your choice. Feel free to add however much people as you want inside the paper space. I'll figure out a way to have them all get along and pose nicely for the picture :P

Mature Content

In the Comfort of Tentacles by scarlet-dragonchild
Portraits of a Cycle by scarlet-dragonchild
Satu Atap cover by scarlet-dragonchild Satu Atap 2 by scarlet-dragonchild

Simple scenic illustrations [$50]
Illustrations with more focus on stories, scenes and/or backgrounds. If you don't like people, you can even do away with them entirely.
Reveries by scarlet-dragonchild Canals by scarlet-dragonchild
Somewhere only we know by scarlet-dragonchild Paths by scarlet-dragonchild Longing by scarlet-dragonchild

Seriously cluttered scenic illustrations [$75]
As it says on the tin. Just go nuts in detailing what you want.
Fairy Tale Endings by scarlet-dragonchild A walk in Bandung by scarlet-dragonchild
The Soothsayer by scarlet-dragonchild Finding the Queen by scarlet-dragonchild Four Stories by scarlet-dragonchild

Something else entirely
Whether you want comic pages, architectural drawings, glorified love letters, or anything that's not covered in the above (admittedly dubious) categories, just message me and we'll work it out!

Send me a NOTE with your email/paypal, which price range you want, and the description for your picture.
Be as detailed or as vague as you want about your request, bring references if you want, tell me songs that reminds you of it, or a poem - Just describe it in the way you're most comfortable with.  

Is by Paypal or bank transfer (Wells Fargo)
It will be great if you can pay after I send the sketch to you, or if you prefer you can pay half of the price after the sketch and the other half after the picture is done.

And finally, happy holidays everyone! Have a great time with family, friends, good food, and twinkling lights! :hug:
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These days my life is filled with suitcases and half-finished comics (and subsequently vexed editors)...

And I just realized how much I miss DA! Uh..*waves sheepishly to whoever is still around* I hope everyone is still drawing, photographing, vectoring, and generally making art happily :)

So, this month after an orientation in Lombok island, I'll be flying off to German for the Erlangen Comic Salon 2012 in june 7-10 in Erlangen, as a part of Comiconexxion Program with Goethe Institut Jakarta, together with dziqker and vanguard-zero ARIELAkris will also be showing her works there, but sadly won't be joining us there since she's half the world away in Savannah *waves* More about this Comiconexxion thing in Goethe's Website  Would anyone in Germany be in for the Erlangen comic salon? Would be great if we can meet up :)

And in August, I will also be moving to America! :D More specifically to Minneapolis, to take my MFA (hopefully specializing in comics) in MCAD. So things are pretty messy right here with suddenly looming deadlines and packing and all sort of unfinished business - since I didn't initially thought I would be going away at all XD  But! I'm super excited, having poked around the internet for anything Minneapolis and anything MCAD when I remembered that I haven't scoured DA yet - Does anyone reside in Minneapolis? Better still, anyone in MCAD? :D

...Is hoping living alone there means more time to make artworks and to romp around in the internet more (although this seems to be wishful thinking since all art schools are definitely not known in conjunction with spare time XD) But, a girl can hope! :D

So, hoping to see more of you guys around :) Happy drawing everyone!


My fanart account (mostly Bioware games XD) :iconlingering-song:
Sister :iconalizarin: Niece :iconradinkadaynara: (ish a proud auntie!)
Fellow indonesian Comic-making artists
:iconsfin: :iconaiyeahhs: :iconbaskara: :iconlindbloem: :iconnanjung110: :iconarchie-the-redcat: :iconomupied: :icondziqker:
:iconekyu: :iconzsami: :iconmalya:  :iconsinlaire: :iconyamineco: :icondarklycan: :iconmini-sys: :iconarielakris:
:iconjreinhart: :iconvanguard-zero: :iconchefcheiro: :iconlanzetter: :iconalibolong: :iconbayou-kun: :iconirzaqi: :icontransbonja:
:icondomdozz: :iconhimenyuu: :icone-park: :icontyo-kuuma: :iconamanokawa: :iconbob-raigen: :iconbake2x:  :iconchristasyd:
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Heya there :D
It's been a long time since I've written anything in this journal, or frolicked on DA, for that matter. An extremely belated happy new year! Hope everyone is well and happy and creating wonderful things :)

These past year has me neck-deep in comics, in the best of ways ^^ I finally finished my first Koloni Comic :
which cover you can see here : scarlet-dragonchild.deviantart…
*For Indonesians still interested in buying it just note me :) it can be delivered*

I'm on my way in making the second installment of the story, while also working on my other comics, which is BANDUNG : WHISPERS FROM A CITY. It's a full-color sort of artsier affair,and requires numerous treks up and down the city I live in, which is what the comic's all about :) so I'm taking my sweet time on that one (in other words, I procrastinate a lot on that one ^^; )

Don't forget to catch a lot of upcoming Indonesian comics this year. From Arioanindito's 'Nadya and the Painkillers', darklycan's 'Vienetta and the Stupid Aliens', to ericbdg's 'Binatang Jatuh!' Hope this will be a good year for us all ^^   


For INDONESIANS, a little bit about the new local comic shop opening up this February in Bandung:

Mau woro-woro dikit nih, tentang KOMIKARA : Rumah Komik, yang hari Jumat 12 Februari ini bakal soft opening.

Berawal dari ngobrol-ngobrol sepertinya, dari mulai banyaknya komik lokal yang ada di toko buku dan penerbitan sekarang, dan lain-lain. Tapi diluar itu, kita juga sadar kalo nyari komik lokal itu..SUSAH XD Ada yang udah abis stoknya di toko buku tapi toko bukunya gak mau nyetok lagi (culas yah :P), ada yang pengarangnya suka ngilang atau misterius, ada juga yang karena distribusinya terbatas kadang-kadang kita cuman bisa dapet di acara-acara komik.

Terus karena komikus itu emang pada bawel, pembicaraan berlanjut jadi susahnya nyari tempat buat nongkrongnya komikus di Bandung. Sure, kita agak sering duduk-duduk di foodcourt atau tempat komersial lain sambil dengan kekeuh cuman beli segelas minuman (dan consequently berkali-kali ngerasain diusir dengan halus maupun tak halus), but won't it be fun if there's somewhere you can just drop down and talk about comics, read comics, make comics, or just roll around in the vicinity of other comic artists?

Tanpa bermaksud kedengeran kayak iklan jelek (tapi emang agak iya yah..), disini ada yang nyoba ngerespon itu :D Solusi kecil-kecilannya adalah KOMIKARA : Rumah Komik

Speknya begini :
-Dia TOKO KOMIK LOKAL, dan akan berusaha bisa ngejual komik-komik lokal yang beredar, dari yang major label sampe yang fotokopian. Juga akan jualan MERCHANDISE KOMIK. Pin, poster, kaos, stiker, mug, pakaian dalam (kami masih berharap akan ada yang jualan itu..), etc.
-Dia juga PERPUSTAKAAN KOMIK, dengan koleksi buku komik dan buku-buku referensi komik yang moga-moga bisa berguna buat komikus, pemerhati komik, atau penikmat
-Dia juga TEMPAT NONGKRONG, ada MAKANANNYA pula :D cuman mau duduk-duduk sambil bengong, bikin komik, atau ngeliatin komikus lewat, hayuu ^^
-Dia juga bisa dipake sebagai WADAH ACARA, WORKSHOP, & LAUNCHING, atau apapun yang ada hubungannya dengan komik. Kalo ada acara kecil-kecilan tapi susah nyari tempat mungil yang gratisan, Komikara siap dipakai :)
-Buat yang nggak demen datang secara random dan tanpa tujuan, setiap JUM'AT minggu genap akan ada WORKSHOP dan ngobrol-ngobrol komik rutin di Komikara, dari jam 4 sampai pematerinya capek. Tapi most days Komikara selalu ada orangnya kok ^^ Buka dari jam 9 pagi sampe jam 9 malem.

Tempatnya emang mungil dan masih perlu perbaikan disana-sini *mancing nih, siapa tau ada yang mau nyumbang taplak atau patung bebek-bebekan gituh :P*, tapi diharap pelan-pelan bisa jadi alternatif tempat buat ngebantu komik indonesia lebih maju lagi :) Lokasinya di JL. YODKALI NO 4 BANDUNG 40124, petanya bisa diliat di page FBnya ^^ Pokoknya di jalan yang ada ITENASnya ada pom bensin, nah di seberang pom bensin teh ada jalan belok ada gapuranya gitu, masuk aja terus jalan sampe mentok belok kiri, langsung ada deh XD

Nah dengan ini Komikara juga mau ngajakin rekan-rekan sesama penggiat komik Indonesia buat ikutan ngeramein tempat mungil ini. Kalau ada yang :
-Punya komik, dalam bentuk apapun, mau fotokopian, cetakan, udah diterbitin, majalah, komik individu, kompilasi, tutorial komik, etc. untuk bisa ikutan dijual disini. Biar makin banyak tempat orang bisa nemuin komik indo! :)
-Punya merchandise komik terkait berupa apapun
-Punya program bikin workshop atau acara-acara rutin maupun insidental lainnya. Punya komik baru dan pengen ada launching kecil2an? Pengen bikin acara signing komik? pengen diskusi?
-Punya Artwork dari komik bikinan kalian? atau komik yang mau dipublish? bisa kirim file jpg hi-res ke, biar ntar kita print dan pajang jadi poster di Komikara. Kan berasa keren kalo satu ruangan posternya komik Indo semua :D

Komikara mengundang semuanya buat ikut serta :) Bisa join groupnya di FB grup KOMIKARA-RUMAH KOMIK, bisa note kesini, bisa tulis aja langsung dibawah sini, atau siapa tau mau langsung mampir aja sambil ngedrop komik buat dijual. Komikara juga minta tolong buat temen-temen sekalian berkenan buat ikutan nyebarin beritanya kalo nggak merepotkan :)

Buat yang di LUAR BANDUNG dan ada komik yang mau dititipin bisa dipaket aja ke alamat Komikara diatas, atau buat yang sekitar Jawa Timur/Jawa Tengah bisa nitip pas acara CERGAMBOREE. Ntar tumplekin aja komiknya ke Zisa ^^;;; hehehehe.

Pertanyaan, usul, saran, nanya angkot, dan lain-lain selain disini bisa dilayangkan ke :
Okky (08122011073) / Azisa (0811210620)

Hatur nuhun! maaf ini jurnal panjang banget yak XD


I'm in :
:iconindonesia: :iconmuslim-manga: :iconbandungs:
:iconbandungmangaartists: :iconwayang-indonesia: :iconsurreal-landscapes:
Mom, big sis, lil bro, and niece :
:icondionaea: :iconalizarin: :iconblac-kwolfcub: :iconradinkadaynara:

Some fellow Indonesian comic artists (check them out! :))
:iconbaskara: :icondarklycan: :iconarioanindito: :iconpumpkinbear: :iconekyu: :icontonimaz: :iconadmirawijaya: :iconjoemand: :iconericbdg: :iconnumbo: :iconnanjung110: :iconmpunk-sign: :iconyamineco: :iconmazjojo: :iconvanguard-zero: :iconarchie-the-redcat: :iconikizaku: :icondear-summer: :iconmissingbanana: :icononoskal: :icondziqker: :iconbayou-kun: :iconadipatijulian: :iconlanzetter: :iconblqcomic: :iconcric: :icondedefox: :icondeena-chan: :iconsukoru: :iconwolvtrune: :icongabrielxian: :iconirzaqi: :iconbob-raigen: :iconmini-sys: :icondiyanbijac: :iconkostkomik:  :iconmagehikari: :iconnilanandita: :iconharliskudo: :iconsugoiking: :iconzsami:  :iconsinlaire: :iconalibolong: :iconcyu: :iconmetalheadkomik: :iconblackapplestudio: :iconrinota: :icongxsion: :iconmatt0: :iconarcsen: :iconazulla-00: :iconcheezemate: :iconharlequeenade: :iconkrisnayana: :iconuschulla:
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Hi everyone :D Hope everyone is well and drawing/photographing/doing something in their computers - away happily… I’ve finally officially graduated :D and is at last starting to make the comic I’ve been wanting to make for 4 years since I entered university, wish me luck  XD…I also hope all of your projects and stuff goes on smoothly

But now I want to share a little rant…^^;

I’ve just been to a swimming pool ruin.
The pool  itself was dry, with scrapes of green algae and accumulated dirt baked in the sun, poolside chairs piled up like discarded vacation mementos, and the swimmers in the colorful murals oddly detached from each other as sections of walls were already dismantled. I’ve read and heard and bickered about the demolition of the Tjihampelas swimming pool for over a month then, but it was the first time that I actually saw the carnage firsthand and sat amongst the ruins.

It was an almost surreal, and for a moment I found myself fervently wishing that I had merely stepped into some off-frequency world where the pool was in ruins due to some apocalyptic debacle or other cracky things rather than simply greedy investors and sheer ignorance.

Well, but it’s not XD The Tjihampelas Swimming pool in the rapidly growing commercial district of Cihampelas is supposedly up for demolition to make way for a glitzy new mall or parking lot or hotel with a waterboom park or something along that line (it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish one blocky garish new building from another here in bandung :P ) And although it’s not exactly an ordinary swimming pool -  in fact it was the first swimming pool to be built in my city during the Colonial times, and it is also unique in that the water comes directly from a natural spring nearby (without any pumps or other standard equipment. I sort of peeked into the cave-like natural water reservoir behind the pool building some time ago before it was demolished), I guess it doesn’t really matter in the face of such burgeoning cash that would be gained from selling out the place.

The majority of Bandung citizens, myself included, are not really strangers to the mowing down of heritage buildings and landscapes in the name of ‘the city’s economic growth’ Just a month ago, an antique shophouse in the historical shopping district of Braga was suddenly found to be demolished (the guys doing it did the dismantling from the back and insides first, so when it was found out it was pretty much too late although it was listed as a heritage building), and another antique swimming pool near my former school has already been boarded off and is just waiting to be demolished. The list goes on and on from previous demolitions, and for ones concerned with heritage conservations, it’s like drafting up a mounting death tally. As it probably should be for a lot of people, perhaps.

Along my dabbling about in the Heritage conservation thing, I’ve been asked more than once about the actual importance of conserving heritage buildings and landscapes. Many points out that just because a majority of people on the Heritage conservation field comes from an architectural background  that it’s merely about some sort of misguided, nostalgic-oriented, self-importance of supposedly ‘valuable architecture’ – disregarding such things as economic values and well…economic values (what else there is, anyway :P)

Yet I must digress. Heritage conservation is not merely some nostalgic effort to cling to the past,  ignorant of current conditions. It is called ‘heritage conservation’ because what we’re trying to conserve are not simply ‘buildings’ or ‘gardens’ or ‘complexes’ – but there are also values and cultural legacies within those places that still has a place even in this rapidly growing world. Old things has within them values handed down from the past that might do good if appreciated rather than simply shunning it for newer, shinier, and quicker things that keeps flooding us everyday.

These are times when we are growing and changing much, much quicker than we can perhaps adapt to without being rootless and rather lost. Finding and appreciating values handed down from times past might actually make us step slower, more carefully, with more appreciation and consideration to things around us.  There are painstaking thoughts and incredible work ethos to be found on the sturdy walls of an old building, and value in gardens and open public spaces that might take us to contemplate nature and our surroundings more carefully, how traditional constructions represents cultural values handed down orally from elders and the generation linkages that goes through it. It’s inside these things that we might take root while still facing the current world.

Heritage conservation in itself is not terribly rigid in implementation, as some might feel that ‘conservation’ means keeping a building or a place in the same way as it was like, hundeds of years ago or such. But actually it’s a pretty flexible thing, for the cultures and values that is being kept is constantly fluctuating and interacting with newer factors. An old builidng might undergo adaptive reuse where the major physical form would be the same yet the function and usage would differ accordingly. If handled correctly, the heritage factor can actually be a major selling point for business. So well, anyone saying that an old building or place cannot give of sufficient monetary benefit is just lazy, yo :P

/End of rant. Sorry for whoever actually read this XD Um, so, it won’t hurt to pay more attention to heritage sites around us…and more awareness for those sites might help us appreciate our city more and if anything ever happens to them…:3

A little news from :iconkcbmanyala:..
For comic artists or comic enthusiasts in Bandung, the Manyala Comic community is re-hosting a routine comic workshop in Tobucil (Jl. Aceh No. 56, near gor Saparua). The host changes every workshop, each with different topics, but anyone is welcome (encouraged!:D ) to share and just generally have fun together ^^. A new batch of the little workshops will start  5th May at 15.00 WIB-ish, then if everything goes well, it’ll be held in two week intervals from there on at the same time (schedules should be up at Drop by if you have time, plus the little Tobucil bookshop is a delight to be in even if you’re doing nothing ^^

PS : a little feature for my friend, Aes-Aelin for she has opened up a fanart account under the name of :iconharlequeenade:. If you are into Teen Titans or the DC comic universe in general, then you’re in for a treat of her ‘freshly squeezed visual mischief’  ;)  

PPS : If you have time, why not also drop by my sister :iconalizarin: and my mother’s :icondionaea: galleries :3
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Back in Indonesia! by scarlet-dragonchild, journal

Winter Holiday Commissions :) by scarlet-dragonchild, journal

Packing Up : Lombok + Erlangen + Minneapolis! :) by scarlet-dragonchild, journal

Comics, comic shops, happily swimming in comics :) by scarlet-dragonchild, journal

Musings on swimming pool ruins and other things :3 by scarlet-dragonchild, journal